We’re All Migrants: What Now? Borders and Indigeneity in the Early Middle Ages and Today (Seminar)

Harbour Centre 1520
Organizers: Dongwon Esther Kim (University of Toronto), Kathryn Maude (American University of Beirut)

This two-part workshop considers the ways in which concepts of the early medieval are used in the contemporary imaginary to solidify, soften, construct, maintain, and blue borders of nations, i/Indigeneity, and identities. We will build on recent efforts in medieval studies to reckon with postcolonial criticisms of medieval studies, research and teaching. We also hope to establish a network of postgraduate students, researchers, administrators, and faculty who can support and hold each other accountable in our practice. In the first of two sessions, we will share and discuss how our own research intersects with borders and indigeneity. In the second session, we will collaborate to build a toolkit of methods and resources for communicating our research: ways to learn, teach, and create with careful attention to the way we refer to borders and indigeneity in our practice.

Tarren Andrews (University of Colorado Boulder)

Adam Miyashiro (Stockton University)

Catherine Karkov (University of Leeds)

Caitlin Gordon-Walker (University of British Columbia)

Megan Henvey (University of York)

Joseph Grossi (University of Victoria)

Marica Cassis (Memorial University of Newfoundland)

John R. Black (Moravian College)